Our collaborative approach in teaching, creates a culture of learners as we all become vested in new topics.
Grade 5 did a Citizenship activity in which they used the the Mayflower Compact as an example of good citizenship and addressed reasons for resolving conflicts. Grade 5 studied the Mayflowers Compact in which leaders created an agreement. They agreed to choose leaders, draw up "just and equal laws" and to make decisions "for the general good of the Colony". The 5th grade students created a "Classroom Compact" for an ideal classroom. Each group decided on a group of rules that they all could agree on. They then wrote a compact that they explained why the rules were necessary for a safe and nurturing classroom. We shared this with our 1st Grade friends who added ideas and discussed which rules they thought were the best. Like the Mayflower Compact, students knew that people need rules to be able to help themselves and help each other. Comments are closed.
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